October 16, 2018
Location: 225 Asylum Street 11th Floor, Hartford, CT 06103
CCIA Cap-a-thon Winners!
FIRST PLACE CT Captive Pitch:
Closing the gap in cyber risk by working more collaboratively with 3rd party vendors!
The Innovation:
A Connecticut Captive to facilitate a more strategic and transparent partnership between the captive owner and its key vendors to manage cyber risk via a Difference In Conditions policy underwritten by the captive.
SECOND PLACE CT Captive Pitch:
A reciprocal excess cyber liability captive for risks adhering to defined rules!
The innovation:
A Connecticut Captive to act as a reciprocal to provide excess cyber liability coverage for a layer $100 million x’s $10 million. To be part of the group, members must adhere to defined risk management and risk mitigation rules.
For further information on the Collaborative, please see ...
Attendee List
What is a Cap-a-thon?
Connecticut's first Cap-a-thon