Thanks to all who attended Insurtech Hartford's Captive Insurance Forum of Connecticut on April 16! It was wonderful to see so many CTCIA members, friends and colleagues in attendance.
(L-R) CTCIA President PJ Cimini, Susan Winkler of CT IFS, CTCIA Executive Director Kathryn Dube and Fenhua Liu of the Connecticut Insurance Department.
PJ also had the honor of speaking alongside (L-R) John Bourdeaux of AdvanceCT and Deputy Commissioner Jared Kosky of the Connecticut Insurance Department for the "Connecticut's Unique Ecosystem & Recent Advances in Captive Laws" panel discussion.
Featured Panels & Speakers:

How Commercial Insurers and Captives Address Coverage Issues:
Esteemed speakers explored how captive insurers assist commercial carriers and address capacity issues.
Featured speakers for this panel included William P. White of Acuity Strategic Consulting, Anna Petropoulos of Apetrop USA and Mikhail A. Raybshteyn of Ernst & Young.

Group Captives: New Approaches & Developments
Speakers focused on the use of group captives as a risk management tool. Panelists will explore changes in distribution, carriers and product choices.
Featured speakers for this panel included David Raymond of Travelers and Michael O'Malley of Strategic Risk Solutions.

Leveraging Captives for Access to Global Markets
Speakers provided an overview of how insurtechs and MGAs can leverage captive insurers to gain access to the U.S. and global markets.
Featured speakers for this panel included Zora Law, Actuary at Milliman; Gabriel Weiss, CEO & Co-Founder at XN Capital; Rachel Jenkins, Chief Operating Officer at XN Capital and Stephen DiCenso, Principal & Consulting Actuary at Milliman.

Connecticut's Unique Ecosystem & Recent Advances in Captive Laws
Speakers provided an overview of how pro-captive legislation makes Connecticut an advantageous state for captives to choose when deciding where to domicile.
Featured speakers for this panel included P.J. Cimini, Founder & Principal of Capitol Strategies Group & CTCIA President; John Bourdeaux, President & CEO of AdvanceCT and Deputy Commissioner Jared Kosky of the Connecticut Insurance Department.

Featured speakers for this panel included Michael Douglas, Director of Business Development at Aon; Dr. Marcus Schmalbach, CEO at Ryskex and James Bulkowski, Senior Manager at Ernst & Young.

InsurTech Hartford Symposium
This event was in cooperation with the InsurTech Hartford Symposium.
The forum was held at Mohegan Sun.
1 Mohegan Sun Boulevard
Montville, CT 06382
Learn More
View the registration info flyer for the forum here.